22 November 2022

"Since I moved to New York City"

Since I moved to New York City and have genuinely experienced the astonishing universe of life that exists here, I can't help but acknowledge how it has changed me in certain respects. But there's one aspect I've been thinking about recently: sex, sexuality, gender, and personhood. This includes sex work, which I had an initial concept, reaction, and impression of—until I came to NYC, and that all changed significantly through something so simple as meeting people and listening to them. What a concept! I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this, but the murder of five people at Club Q in Colorado Springs, CO, has prompted me to do so. And truthfully, as I write this, it really feels like some shitty token of condolence from a cis-male, which is disingenuous. But I want to be entirely honest about how I feel and think, so I am composing this note. It is meant to be as much for myself as it is a blazon of my love for all those that have been, and remain, maligned and discriminated against in this country and world. I've learned, and continue to learn, so fucking much from all the persons I've met over the years, particularly here in NYC, about being different from what I am. You've been some of the best, most genuine, and most multi-faceted people I've ever met. And I want to say that I'm here as an ally, a friend, and a fellow human being. Here to fight for you; here to continue fighting for you!

19 October 2022

In the vastness

In the vastness of emptiness and darkness
I reached out
With my hand, though minuscule and corporeal as it was
I reached toward the distance

The distance, the depth of the universe
I wanted to grasp
And clasp the tumbling of atoms
As they woke

When they first woke, so long ago
When I dreamt
And saw them career in the infinity of existence
And I talked to them

My longing for nebulas and galaxies
Has made me remember
That I came, far-flung, from far away from a star
From a star, a star, my mother, my mother-sun

– M.M.

28 September 2022

What's in a Name?

What's in a name?
A name sometimes given,
sometimes wanted,
sometimes earned.
A name serves as an anchor
of who we are, bound as we are
to the gravity of this life.
The pace of our step, through
our time here, is matched by
our name: Our name that
we carry and carries us.
I think it strange and curious
that everything we do and
everything we don't is
an utterance of our name.
Our name is so singular to us
that it could very well be
our soul incarnate.


28 April 2022

"A soft love"

A soft love
A comforting love
A sleepy love
A love that reels you into yourself
    with a song that paints the echo chambers
    of your heart
A love that seeks war
A belligerent love
A love, in its naïve hubris
    sees the folly of its daggers
A peaceful and soothing love
A love not too short-sighted
    or too blind for its own good
A love... just one love
Just one time to love and
    one time to be loved
To allow the edges of the world
    its seams, to disintegrate
A love
The Love
The Love that subsumes all
    even love itself


27 April 2022

"Here's a thought"

"Here's a thought," he said to himself.
"I think we ought to think like we are
at the end of our rope." This conversation
was just him trying to unlock the locked
cage he was in. But he wasn't really sure
what to say or what to do to break free
from that cage he made for himself.
"I saw them being so, so happy. I thought of
myself like that sometimes. I mean, I don't see
why I can't be like that." It was a source of naivety
as if he were really speaking from the heart.
But it wasn't really a place he could leap to,
to become something else.
It was a plane beyond that he would have to
propel himself to; far, far beyond—beyond the ire and
the misguidedness that he was and had ever been.

It's just one cosmic ejection, one thing to vault
us far beyond ourselves, that we sometimes need;
that we, that we all, desire.


23 March 2022

"I think it's always only a look"

I think it's always only a look
When she turns and sees him
I think it's only always a glance
When he forgets a thought
And she comes into view

It must only be a few words
Must only be a million giggles
Must only be laughs they've forgotten

I've never really understood

Until I realized understanding wasn't it
It's that thing you sometimes see
That you sometimes feel
When it appears at the side of your sight
When you feel just really good
But like, really, really good

It's like a song that you first heard
And it's made you dance around the room
Around the room like the fool

That's love
That's what it's been all along

Stupid and great and wonderful
And everything

I think I've been looking
For something all along
That's never, ever been
To be found,

But felt and seen and loved


02 March 2022

What attraction means to me

I've been asked before who is my "type":
And I've always hedged in my answer,
Until lately, when I finally lost all vacillation:

You see, I like the fine and the bright
I like she who speaks of the divine and heaven
I like she who renounces the Cross and dogma
I like she who sees more than the boundary
Than the boundary between the light and the dark

And how so simply that all is, that dichotomy
You see, I like she who is far more than black or white
Far more than light or dark, or the falseness of dichotomy
I like she who sees beyond the idiocy of supremacy
The word that dictates to you and allows no heresy

And I like she who is sweet and kind and full of heart
Full of heart, full and kind, someone who is gifting the world
For whoever she may be, she would be a gift, someone whole
And yet, someone not whole, not full, not kind
Because who of us is any of that: we really are none of that

You see, she who I like: she would be far more than me
Far more me than all the expectations I've ever made for her
And yet, completely something I have nothing of that expectation, you see?
It means absolutely nothing, really
It's never meant anything to me
Who I like, who I want to be with—is—

23 February 2022

"We were wayward stars"

We were wayward stars, filling ourselves with elemental might
Fighting against predestination with our recidivist light
The forgotten souls that time threw away
Forgotten souls that the gods kept at bay

We had one chance and one chance alone
One last life to live and one future to own
And yet we desired something of terminality
We thought of undeath—stupefied by eternity

We just may be things of unsettled being
For we are not of gods—of uncaring reason
Because just as pulsars rotate singing our lovesongs
So we tumble like atoms in cosmic storms

I do not think we are much longer for this reality
I think we need not think of yesterday or of infinity
We should continue to career wildly, all awry
T'ward a glorious, unabashed—a star's—goodbye—


09 February 2022


I fell into a deepest hole
Seeing everything I stole
Looking up from the bottom
To the top
Smiling like a foolish asshole

And still, I make the same mistakes
Breaking what I make
Like the inevitable crack
In the side
Of what I still call my mind

I see something like a light in the sea
That I think may be, what makes me
Be free, from me
That really
Could be the cause I need

I am whoever I am, and will be
Whomever I now be
Living this endless fantasy
But it needs
An end, and an end of the false me


07 February 2022

The End of Summer

I felt the winds grow colder as we grew older
Just as all things came to an end

I thought of all I should have told her
Before all things came to the end

There was a melody that played throughout summer
Something that sang to us to what was no end

But I'm packing away the faded glow of her
Until it's ready to dance so wildly again

A spring that fell in love with summer
And another summer that's now gone and been


05 February 2022

"I thought I was for Death"

I thought I was for Death

I thought I was for nothing

I thought I was for nothing at all

But when Death came

When Death came, all handsome and beautiful

When Death came, I think fell in love

I thought when Death came, I’d be for nothing

I thought when Death came, I would be nothing

I thought when Death came, I’d be no more than nothing at all

But when Death came

When Death came and spoke to me all handsomely

When Death came and spoke to me

I spoke to Him

I spoke to Him and I listened

I spoke to Him and I heard

He said to be

He said to be something

He said to be something else

I think Death was someone

I think Death was someone else

I think I loved, and loved, and loved Death

That maybe Death was someone else

That He was someone else

Someone else who loved me


04 February 2022

Love-Song of Two Stars

You perceive more than most.
You see the world for its
strings and waves, which
interlace and stream
through one another.
An attunement in you, so natural to you,
as integral as the vibrations of the world
you see within and outwith yourself.

When I give,
my ideas are compacted and
packaged. Black-hole masses
as small and as big as a thought—
and you let them blossom. Like
petals, in a spring wind, carried
near or far or however which way.
Destinations with names and locations
unknown at inception, but oh so real.

Always have I been a stone
figure, posed and still in
the dark. Something seen in
half-forgotten dreams. Stagnant
eternally. Till the shining that came
from your voice, from your mind, broke me.

We each walk paths for
ourselves—each to their own
as we each are masters of our own
creatures, unwieldy as they are.
And yet the reason always the same:
to understand a world that defies
reasoning, that wishes never to be understood.

Like ballast in my vessel, departed
from the port of a sun, you are my stability.
The first and the last—you are the atomic
in the fundamentals incised in me.

But comets, we two, far-flung and
infinite-distant. Stars in the void.
Too far to career together;
dancing too close to join.
All this an ever-dream. All this
a distance much too far, much
too much—not for you or for I, but for

M.M. —  06-Aug-2016

02 February 2022

Mind Voyage

My feet stand firmly on the ground
But my mind rides on rays of the sun
Stationary in time but waiting for more
For all my possible futures to come

I journey through the empty void
That separates one thought and another
A moment that lasts as long as a flicker
And as briefly as the touch of forever

I have waited so long for nothing at all
And for nothing to be my everything and all
A lifetime spanning one end to another end
To, at last, realize the needs of my sun's crescent

Sharpening the philosophic weapon that is my mind
Going back to the beginning and hurling myself forward
Deep into the blackest deep and unleashing it all skyward
And perhaps, one millennium, to burn, to shine, and to die
With peace and kindness, relinquished, all in one, and all mine


24 January 2022

Prose IX

Streaming from an imperceptible ceiling so high came down the most revealing white light. It illuminated the eerie vapor that pervaded the entire gargantuan atrium-like space, it as cavernous as its unseen ceiling was foreboding. The light defined little in the empty space save the center (or what seemed the center). There it formed a strangely, clearly delineated circle. Not even slightly amorphous as one would have thought, given the thick, diffuse vapor.

Though in fact, the light lit more than the center: It shone seemingly accusatorially on a shape-seeming man, naked and standing as if prepared for a fight he knew not from where it would come. Clenched fists by his sides, chest in a belligerent display, a visage of attentive intelligence and pride—he scanned the black all about him and waited for it to begin.


22 January 2022

 See, you gotta stay strong, for no one more than for yourself. You gotta believe that you are very much worth it. Worth the struggle and worth the strife. Because you see, the clutches of your pain draw the most strength from your own self-deprecation. Your prison is built by the insidious design of the lies that fester within you, that you unavoidably feed. So you must look to the innards of your self and fight for yourself. You are the first, last, and sometimes only, echelon of your own defense. Stay strong and stay faithful.

21 January 2022

Aiming for the Horizon

I'm aiming for the horizon
For the cradle of dusk and dawn
Where both nothing and everything
Exist, in unison and in discord

I've decided to leave behind the trap
Of boxes, borders, and broken bones
All that I was beholden and usurped by
For something that is... awry and... at angles

I'm leaving behind the husk of my self—its shell
For it's so damn withered, weathered, and worn
Battered, beaten, and so bored, and burrowed
It's expended itself, now just an inkless pen

The horizon: far beyond all I've ever dreamed of
A sheen pinpoint beyond the vast mass of my own past
An unknown something, scintillating in its beauty

Finally a way out of my own darkness


06 January 2022

"Full-blooded and bold"

Full-blooded and bold
I have strife in me that fuels me
Stood upon the surface of the sun
And now I lust for the universe

Took me years to fall and years to rise
Lived off of self-doubt and dogma
A spirit with a yearning glow
And a mind building itself

There has been a darkness
Stretching from soul to sight
Darkness replete in me, filling me
Obsidian black, deathless night

I found meaning in love
I found salvation in love
I found myself when I found her
Life at long last

The sky I see, the man I want to be
Sustained by fire—lifted by might
The dreams I form, the reveries I breathe
Those living and those unborn

Twenty-eight years and time still a fear
My ambitions held in place by a single will
My heart held in hand by a single woman
And the terminal point a frightful unknown

The dreams and the desires
The storms and the fires
Visited every night, manifested every day
Fought for in every one of my living moments


03 January 2022

"Sometimes I forget that love exists"

Sometimes I forget that love exists
That it runs rings
round the heart

Down in the dark of the soul
I forgot that it is all
that makes us whole

Taking one step from nothing at all
To everything that we've ever wanted
and more

Just like the silence of the night
Calling us out like dying of light

Since we so adored the fight
And the heat
that it brought

Only to fall ecstatically like the rain
Gladly enduring the pain
and its ache

Ten thousand years
Or an eternal pour
I forget—and remember—that love
was everything we've ever wanted
and everything we wanted to die for
