22 July 2017

Being strong

It might be a fair judgement that what we call "being strong" is an idealization, one which is predicated on the notion that to be strong one cannot permit weakness. This I think should be quickly and summarily dispelled. To be strong should instead be characterized by piecemeal bouts of strength. It is foolish to believe that we can be strong every moment of every day. We instead should teach ourselves to capitalize on those moments of transient yet intense realization that, frankly, "we can do this". There is much worth in taking one single minute of your time to gain some perspective of the situation you are in and just what the hell you are going to do about it. Times of weakness or the allure of capitulation are completely normal and just fine: they come and will come again. Your strength should not be a weapon designed solely to fight off weakness. Your strength should be a vehicle through which you convey yourself from your nadir to your zenith. Your strength should be a well of energy, based in your core but not always observable, that you tap into when appropriately needed.

M. M.