23 March 2022

"I think it's always only a look"

I think it's always only a look
When she turns and sees him
I think it's only always a glance
When he forgets a thought
And she comes into view

It must only be a few words
Must only be a million giggles
Must only be laughs they've forgotten

I've never really understood

Until I realized understanding wasn't it
It's that thing you sometimes see
That you sometimes feel
When it appears at the side of your sight
When you feel just really good
But like, really, really good

It's like a song that you first heard
And it's made you dance around the room
Around the room like the fool

That's love
That's what it's been all along

Stupid and great and wonderful
And everything

I think I've been looking
For something all along
That's never, ever been
To be found,

But felt and seen and loved


02 March 2022

What attraction means to me

I've been asked before who is my "type":
And I've always hedged in my answer,
Until lately, when I finally lost all vacillation:

You see, I like the fine and the bright
I like she who speaks of the divine and heaven
I like she who renounces the Cross and dogma
I like she who sees more than the boundary
Than the boundary between the light and the dark

And how so simply that all is, that dichotomy
You see, I like she who is far more than black or white
Far more than light or dark, or the falseness of dichotomy
I like she who sees beyond the idiocy of supremacy
The word that dictates to you and allows no heresy

And I like she who is sweet and kind and full of heart
Full of heart, full and kind, someone who is gifting the world
For whoever she may be, she would be a gift, someone whole
And yet, someone not whole, not full, not kind
Because who of us is any of that: we really are none of that

You see, she who I like: she would be far more than me
Far more me than all the expectations I've ever made for her
And yet, completely something I have nothing of that expectation, you see?
It means absolutely nothing, really
It's never meant anything to me
Who I like, who I want to be with—is—