16 January 2013

Sometimes in our lives...

Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves stuck. Stuck in some way as the great patchwork of our personal history is stitched together. This could mean many things: stuck in an unfulfilling career, stuck in a loveless relationship, stuck in psychological upheaval, stuck in making the same mistakes again and again. All of these are inherently unique but have the common defining factor of an intractable and pervading discontentment, one that seems insurmountable simply because it has been with us for so very long. And worst still, we are very much conscious of this deep-rooted dissatisfaction. Yes, there are times when we become entrenched in our ways, when we concede to what is and what has been. It is the great cycle that leads to cynicism.

But there are many cycles in nature, and in particular I have reflected on that of the diurnal rising of the imperial sun. I take great comfort in the fact that that gargantuan orb of almost limitless energy will greet me again even though it falls at the onset of night. Every time we wake with a new sun we begin the first day of the rest of our lives. Our lives, tainted in the deepest way with dissatisfaction. But the sun should teach us one thing if nothing else: every morning we are given a chance, a new chance, a chance for everything to change. Trust in this. Life is not as predictable as it may appear to be; we are not dealt the same cards every time. There is always the possibility that something life-changing will occur, that the next big thing to happen to you will happen. Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of your life, and perhaps tomorrow will be the day when your life changes forever.

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