11 December 2011

Prose III [Back catalogue]

The Revelation of Lyrus Maskivian, the Deathless Prince, General of the Askkalan Armies (Ch. IV, § xxiii); recovered from the ruins of the Black Citadel in the year —.

In the riotous swathe I cut through the centuries, I sought always to unite the exudations of the beauty of love and war. And I succeeded. Though lesser men—men who dare not utter my name even now—have called me a madman, a butcher, all the permutations of malevolence, the very awe and terror that will perfuse through them once they know the true magnificence of what I have reached will at last and forever stain history with the quintessence of this grand conception, of this Art Revealed. The weak-willed worms cannot even begin the attempt of opening their insignificant minds to imbibe this most secret and enrapturing knowledge. Mountains of life-despoiled bodies I have piled, nightmarish landscapes I have trodden, entire nations I have burnt to ashes and one woman I have loved to the extreme; all to learn that in reeling horror and burning love there lie things that are crystal reflections of each other. They are, quite simply, the manifestations of what repels ordinary men and what ordinary men feign and pretend to understand. They reside at the threshold between sanity and madness, where very few are able to remain wilfully. They are the warmth that radiates within when one encases and seals his heart for just one other, never again for it to be unlocked. They are the purest art, revealed to an individual only during the very rarest of experiences, experiences of masterful devilry and uncompromising adoration, experiences that I have dared, in my audacity, to live.

M.M. — Ianuarius MMX

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