25 July 2024

A Conversation

« You have done so many wrong things »

"I have. I must ha... At least I think I have.
I must have...?"

« But all that you did was, well... »

"Well, what?"

« Well, there's a knot to all things. And your knot
» has this twist that keeps twisting for a direction.
» And this is a knot of something. »

"A knot of what, exactly?"

« Hmm. I'm not sure, but by the Sun's diurnal wealth,
» I would wager it's the daggers and the noose around your neck. »

"What the fuck? So, both mean death?"

« Hahaha. Death?! Death?!
» Death is love; Love with Life »

"Maybe... death..."

17 July 2024

To Lucky 13 (Pt. 1)

The first time—I don't even remember
All I remember was that I remember
That it was a quite time—that's all I hardly remember

And yet, I kept going back
And have kept going back because
I've always loved all the peoples
All the dancers, all of them, and all their

But, in all luck and love, it's been
Luck and love that makes me feel love
For Lucky 13 Saloon

And, if nothing else, it's because they're have been
Friends and bartenders and everyone
In between
Who have been
And all been 
Just a little better than me
And everything in between
For a little something in between
Is what I believe we want to all see

– M.M.

04 July 2024


I've taken breaths and breaths and
        One further breath every single time
But a breath won't change this breath of mine

Y'know, I sometimes stay up to see the
        Sun rise (sometimes on time)
But the sight of it—it doesn't make me feel fine

I sometimes wonder if there are others
        Who also wonder, and think of time
Of that fucking tick, tick, tick-tocking of time

The clock that I know is the ticking and tocking
        Of my own fine
When death decides to come kind and tell me it's right

– M.M.